Tuesday, July 28, 2009

POOlympics Event Categories

The 2010 POOlympics

The 2010 POOlympics are pleased to announce the complete list of events for the games. There will be medals awarded for the following categories;

Longest continuous turd

Best segmentation

Most buoyant floater

Best composition

Most similar to in appearance to the Premier of BC

Quickest delivery

In keeping with the tradition of an all inclusive POOlymipics, we will also award medals in the ‘Special” category for oldest deposit, fullest depend diaper and catheter coloring.

In order to keep these games clean and transparent, all participants will undergo rigorous qualification rounds , which fortunately can be conducted at home, to ensure that the caliber of the games remain world class.

Monday, July 27, 2009

POO Lympics

Turds for the people. That is what BC Liberals have to offer the BC population by their continued ignorance of the discharge of raw human waste into the Victoria harbour. So come to the Poo lympics and express your self by excreting yourself. If the whole city can Poop into the harbour without any ramifications, why not have the whole world come and do the same. The events will start on the opening day of the Owe limp pics and continue throughout the 5 ring circus.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Aloha; Hello and Goodbye

After spending some 20 days at sea I have found out some things about myself and others that will take me some time to process. After twenty days with no sight of land we saw the most amazing sunrise as we passed Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island. The boat is a J120 which is fast, fast and did I mention fast!