Sunday, January 25, 2009

Coalition Breeds Suspicion

We are a few days away from the demise of the minority Harper Government. There is still talk of a Coalition, but beware! Sure, the Nothing New Harper government are only supported by the Pretty Governor General (PGG) but they need more then a cute smile and a limp command of Parliamentary tradition to bring their broken pony over the finish line. They need the support of the majority of the elected House of Commons. Obviously their desperation to cling to power is showing as they have made appointments to various boards and the Senate all the while hiding behind a prorogued house. The very house they are afraid to stand up in front of and take direction from as a minority is about to swallow the neo-cons and spit out a very different manifestation of a coalition Government. Think about who is most like the Harperites..Not the NDP, Layton and his party represent the working class and unions, two groups that the Cons despise. The Bloc? Non! If anything the recent machinations by soft hands Harper have emboldened the Bloc and their platform for a social democratic government. The nonsense that the Bloc wants to rip apart the country is a lie that has been spewed forth by the Asper controlled media and the Liar Conservative party. So who remains? The Liberals! Yes I think we will see the formation of a Liberal Conservative coalition Government. Why you ask? The liberals are the closet party to the Conservatives. Their policies of destroying the social safety net, mirror the Cons policy of kicking the poor in the teeth. Their taking us to the slaughter house known as Afghanistan, a truly abysmal political decision, not to mention a morally reprehensible one, has been continued by the Cons. Using EI surpluses to bolster up a faulty economic programme are taken right out of the Liberal Red Book(s).

So using my trademark DogPoop Alignment Political Positioning System, I have only one truth to present. There will be a Coalition Government with the Liberals and the Conservative Parties running our country further into the ground until the population wake up and notice that more things change the more they remain the same. The spoils of this new found harmonious relationship between the two business licking parties will bring more of the same old trough sucking nepotistic insider secret style of Government!
Bend over because this is going to hurt!

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