Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Be careful of what you wish for. I always thought that the major political parties were opportunistic but now I know for sure. The BC Liberals, whom were just recently trying to stuff coal fired power generation down our throats, looked at the polls and saw how reprehensible this was to the electorate. Their response was to present a new green agenda to the people of BC. An agenda which coincidentally removed coal fired power from the equation by requiring it to be zero emission. A requirement which vetted out the very projects Gord and the goons had been pontificating in Princeton and Northern BC. So rather then actually caring about the environment, one that they were willing to befoul with the construction and combustion of dirty coal, they tried to dupe the people into thinking they were really a green party. A party that has since decided to prostitute our wild rivers into the service of their private corporate friends.

Shifting the focus onto the Federal reform/conservative alliance, Stephen Harper has also paid attention to the polls. The same man who globally embarrassed the nation with his rejection of the Kyoto Accords, has taken the opportunity of increased public concern of the environment to slap another tax on us. Instead of really doing something for the natural environment, Harper has decided to make the poor pay a disproportionate amount towards the consumption of carbon based fuels. The same carbon tax idea that the BC Liberals came up with. It makes one wonder if the mandarins in Ottawa are using the same game plan as the twits in Victoria. So rather than trusting these shape shifting slime bags, we should all be very cognizant of there records. Kyoto killers and Coal smoke stinkers. Actions always speak louder then weasel words. If polls said we prefer politicians who eat babies for breakfast guess who would be at the head of the lineup for the baby buffet.

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