Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Xwilil’xhwm or what is in a name?

I recently asked a local Caucasoid historian if they knew anything about 1st nations land use on the Western Island that I live on. To my surprise she said the 1st Nations did not live on this Island but would just meet here. I was confused. If you flip the characters in her story around it is like telling some visitor from the future that the United Nations was just a meeting place and had little significance since no one lived there! This got me thinking about when white people put the thousands of years of 1st nation stories into a totally irrelevant measure, their historical significance just disappears. How convenient. Poof gone no issue here. I have seen the study of past times called “his story” , and I think maybe it is time to call it whitestory when it is propagated from the mouths of the Caucasoid. So you may wonder where I live and what is the name of the place? That depends......do you want the name the Spanish gave it as they sailed by a couple of times, some two hundred years ago? Apodaca. Or do you want the name it has been called for thousands of years by the many people whom met, talked, drummed and celebrated here? I think it makes sense to call it the latter. Xwilil’xhwm.

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